Bob’s Burgers is a popular American animated sitcom that has been entertaining audiences since 2011. The show follows the Belcher family, who run a small burger restaurant in a seaside town. The show has won numerous awards, including two Primetime Emmy Awards, and has become a fan favorite around the world. With the upcoming release of the Bob’s Burgers movie DVD UK, fans in the UK are eagerly waiting for news on the DVD release. Here’s everything you need to know about the Bob’s Burgers movie DVD release in the UK.
Release Date
The Bob’s Burgers movie was initially scheduled for release in July 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was pushed back to 2021. The movie was finally released in theaters on May 27, 2022. However, there is no official word yet on the DVD release date in the UK. Fans are hoping that the DVD will be released soon after the theatrical release, but there has been no confirmation as of yet.
DVD Extras
The Bob’s Burgers movie DVD is expected to have a range of extras for fans to enjoy. In the US, the DVD is expected to have deleted scenes, outtakes, and commentary from the show’s creators. It is likely that the UK DVD release will include similar extras, but this has not been confirmed yet.
Where to Buy
The Bob’s Burgers movie DVD will be available to buy from a range of retailers once it is released. Fans will be able to purchase it from online retailers such as Amazon, as well as from physical stores such as HMV. It is also expected that the DVD will be available to rent from DVD rental services such as LoveFilm and Cinema Paradiso.
The price of the Bob’s Burgers movie DVD in the UK has not been confirmed yet. However, it is likely to be in line with the pricing of other new movie releases on DVD. Fans can expect to pay around £10-£15 for the DVD, depending on where they purchase it from.
while there is no official word yet on the Bob’s Burgers movie DVD release date in the UK, fans can expect it to be available to purchase soon after the theatrical release. The DVD is expected to have a range of extras for fans to enjoy and will be available to buy from a range of retailers. The price of the DVD has not been confirmed yet, but fans can expect it to be in line with other new movie releases on DVD.The beloved animated TV show “Bob’s Burgers” is finally getting its own movie, and fans in the UK are eagerly awaiting its release on DVD. If you’re a fan of the show and want to know everything about the DVD release in the UK, this article is for you.
The Bob’s Burgers Movie follows the Belcher family as they embark on a wacky adventure after they get caught up in a scheme involving a mysterious millionaire who wants to turn their family restaurant into a giant mechanical shark. The film features the same talented voice cast as the TV show, including H. Jon Benjamin as Bob, John Roberts as Linda, and Kristen Schaal as Louise.
The movie was released in theaters in the United States on May 27, 2022, and it has been met with positive reviews from both critics and audiences. The UK release date for the DVD is yet to be announced, but it is expected to be released in late 2022 or early 2023.
Fans in the UK can pre-order the DVD on various online retailers such as Amazon, HMV, and Zavvi. The DVD is likely to be available in both standard and Blu-ray formats, with bonus features such as behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with the cast and crew, and deleted scenes.
The DVD release of the Bob’s Burgers Movie is a highly anticipated event for fans of the show, and it is sure to be a great addition to any collection. Make sure to keep an eye out for the official release date and pre-order your copy as soon as it becomes available.